With a few concertina players in Brittany , we had the idea of creating a site , in the continuation of our yearly gatherings . It was done , things were well advanced but alas some technical problems forced us to abandon . The pandemia also made things more complicated …
For some time , I have felt like doing a resource book of Breton tunes for the anglo concertina . The books for the diatonic accordion are very well done : staves and notation with indications of fingerings and harmonies . In their lessons , lots of teachers use the ABC notation . It’s quite efficient but sometimes , you don’t know if you have to play the note on the left or right , if you have to pull or push and on which row it is . The system I suggest gives these indications while keeping the ABC notation .
So on this site , we will find various repertoires , staff and ABC notations , photos , videos , recordings and articles about our favourite instrument .